TeloViewSMM for Smoldering Multiple Myeloma Patients

An LDT prognostic solution developed and validated in collaboration with
Mayo Clinic and Dana Farber Cancer Institute

TeloViewSMM is now offered within the Physician Experience Program SMART

The Smoldering Multiple Myeloma Paradigm

  • Smoldering Multiple Myeloma (SMM) is an asymptomatic disease stage, precursor to multiple myeloma, a deadly blood cancer. SMM generally precedes the progression to the active stage symptomatic multiple myeloma.
  • SMM patients may remain stable in the SMM asymptomatic stage for years, however a subset of these patients do progress to the full stage multiple myeloma unpredictably.
  • The risk of SMM progression to myeloma is heterogenous with nearly 40% of patients progressing in the first 5 years. Physicians lack the means to identify patients at high-risk of progression or to confirm the SMM disease stability in those who are at low-risk.

The standard of care for SMM patients varies based on jurisdiction between “monitor and don’t treat” all SMM patients till the patient presents in the clinic with myeloma symptoms (too late), to “treating all” SMM patients regardless of their risk of progression, exposing the larger subset of these patients who have stable SMM to unnecessary treatment. Both ends of the spectrum have their negative impact on SMM patients.

Identifying high risk SMM patients is a critical unmet need in the management of these patients. High risk SMM patients may benefit from immediate treatment intervention, with a possibility to achieve cure based on the most recent advanced treatment regimens. Equally important, the larger subset of low-risk patients can be monitored overtime, without exposure to unnecessary, debilitating and costly treatment.

TeloView® Assay for Smoldering Multiple Myeloma - TeloViewSMM (LDT)

  • The Telo Genomics platform, TeloView®, characterizes disease associated genomic instability by measuring the 3D structure and spatial organization of telomeres.
  • The TeloViewSMM assay is an application of TeloView® that quantifies individual patients’ risk of transformation/progression from asymptomatic precursor SMM to symptomatic MM. The issued patient report provides a binary predicted outcome about patient disease stability.
  • Download TeloViewSMM Sample Report
  • The test predicts patient’s risk of progression within 2 years, or rules out the risk of patient’s progression to full stage MM.
  • High-risk of progression SMM patients are likely to benefit from earlier treatment intervention.
  • Low-risk patients may not require immediate treatment but recommended to be regularly monitored using TeloViewSMM every 4-6 months.

Clinical Validation of TeloViewSMM

In a landmark publication published in the American Journal of Hematology, TeloViewSMM has demonstrated a clinically unprecedented and highly actionable prognostic performance for predicting risk of SMM progression to MM.

TeloViewSMM confirms or rules out the risk of patients to progress to full stage MM within 2 years

TeloViewSMM was validated by a clinical trial in collaboration with Mayo Clinic and Dana Farber Cancer Institute including over 170 SMM patients. The results were published in the American Journal of Hematology

Liquid Biopsy

TeloViewSMM’s sample requirements can be met with a simple blood draw orbone marrow samples.

Laboratory Developed Test

TeloViewSMM is a clinically validated LDT accredited by College of American Pathologists (CAP)

Take part in the

TeloViewSMM is currently offered under the SMART protocol, an observational study for physicians in the USA, Canada & Europe. Contact Telo Genomics to participate.